AEB Calendar
Zoom & In-person events
Guest speaker (s) with relatable advice, networking, open mic to offer opportunities & plug yourself.
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Sep 19: 4PM PST/ 6PM CST, 7PM EST
Jeannette Godoy: "How I Transitioned from Choreographing "Baby Got Back" to Directing."
Against all the boulders thrown in her direction, Jeannette Godoy transitioned from choreography to directing.
Do you know...
- Underrepresentation of Latinas: While women made up 18% of directors in the top 250 films in 2022, the percentage of Latinas specifically is much lower. According to the 2022 Hollywood Diversity Report, only 1% of directors in the top-grossing films were Latina.
- Latinas in Television: In the 2022-2023 season, Latinas directed only 3% of television episodes across broadcast, cable, and streaming, according to the Directors Guild of America (DGA).
- Intersectionality: As both women and part of an underrepresented ethnic group, Mexican women face a "double bind" where they must overcome both gender and racial/ethnic barriers in the industry.
Find out...
- Amongst all the odds, find out how Jeannette went from Choreography to Directing.
- Get tips you can use for yourself when overcoming your own career hurdles. (no matter what size, shape or color you are)
- Discover opportunities arising NOW for up & coming directors.
- Open mic to introduce yourself / project.
- Bachata dancing from our favorite surprise flash mob choreographer.
- If you want to perform, email us: [email protected]
Sep 19: 4:30PM PST / 6:30PM CST / 7:30PM EST
*ZOOM* Jeannette Godoy: "How I Transitioned from Choreographing "Baby Got Back" to Directing."
Against all the boulders thrown in her direction, Jeannette Godoy transitioned from choreography to directing.
Do you know...
- Underrepresentation of Latinas: While women made up 18% of directors in the top 250 films in 2022, the percentage of Latinas specifically is much lower. According to the 2022 Hollywood Diversity Report, only 1% of directors in the top-grossing films were Latina.
- Latinas in Television: In the 2022-2023 season, Latinas directed only 3% of television episodes across broadcast, cable, and streaming, according to the Directors Guild of America (DGA).
- Intersectionality: As both women and part of an underrepresented ethnic group, Mexican women face a "double bind" where they must overcome both gender and racial/ethnic barriers in the industry.
Find out...
- Amongst all the odds, find out how Jeannette went from Choreography to Directing.
- Get tips you can use for yourself when overcoming your own career hurdles. (no matter what size, shape or color you are)
- Discover opportunities arising NOW for up & coming directors.
- Open mic to introduce yourself / project.
- If you want to perform, email us: [email protected]
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Save the Date:
Sep. 19- Networking & Guest Speaker: Mexican Director Jeannette Godoy
Sep. 26- Virtual: Goal Setting Mastermind
Sep 30- PGA/YTexas Golf Tournament
Oct. 1- YTexas + AEB Event on the Dallas Cowboys Stadium Football Field
Oct. 3- Juegos Rancheros at The North Door
Oct. 17-Event: Networking & Guest Speaker: TBD
Oct. 31 Virtual: Global Warrior- Goal Setting Mastermind
Nov. 7- Juegos Rancheros at The North Door
Nov. 14- Event: Networking & Guest Speaker: TBD
Nov. 28 Virtual: Goal Setting Mastermind
Dec. 5- Juegos Rancheros at The North Door
Dec. TBD- Holiday Party
Dec. 30 Virtual: Goal Setting Mastermind
Jan. 2- Juegos Rancheros at The North Door
Jan. 9-Event: Networking & Guest Speaker: TBD
Jan. 18-28- AEB @ Sundance 2025
Feb. 6- Juegos Rancheros at The North Door
Feb. VIP Virtual Happy Hour
Feb. 13-Event: Networking & Guest Speaker: TBD
Mar. 6- Juegos Rancheros at The North Door
Mar. 8- AEB SXSW 2025: Austin Public Library Rooftop
Apr. 3- Juegos Rancheros at The North Door
Apr. 17-Event: Networking & Guest Speaker:Claudette Godfry- VP of Film & TV SXSW
May. 1- Juegos Rancheros at The North Door
May. 13-24- AEB @ Cannes 2025
Jun. 5- Juegos Rancheros at The North Door
Jun. 18- Round Rock YTexas/ AEB Summit: Opportunities in the Entertainment Industry
Jul. 3- Juegos Rancheros at The North Door
July TBD. Annual Former Guest Speaker Happy Hour
Aug. 7- Juegos Rancheros at The North Door
Sep. 4- Juegos Rancheros at The North Door
Oct. 2- Juegos Rancheros at The North Door
In the meantime, you can promote yourself, reach out to other entertainment pros, check the calendar... all on the AEB Complimentary App.